Tuesday 24 January 2017

Travel To Mauritius.

Mauritius, an island nation of the Indian Ocean, is known for its beaches, lagoons and reefs. The mountainous interior includes Black River Gorges National Park, with tropical forests, waterfalls, hiking trails and wildlife like flying fox. Capital Port Louis has sights such as the Champs de Mars trail, Eureka plantation house and Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Gardens of the 18th century.

Capital: Port Louis

Currency: Mauritian rupee

Continent: Africa

     1.Le Morne Brabant.

Le Morne Brabant is a peninsula at the extreme southwest tip of the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius on the wind side of the island. It is highlighted by an eponymous basaltic monolith with a summit 556 meters above sea level.

     2. Chamarel

Chamarel is mainly known for its scenic spots and natural attractions in its neighborhood, among them are the seven-color lands, the Chamarel Falls and the Black River Gorges National Park. The area is also known for its locally grown coffee. The church of Saint Anne de Chamerel was built in 1876 and is subject to a pilgrimage on the Assumption of Mary (August 15), during which the village hosts a fair associated with the pilgrimage as well.

     3. Ile Aux Aigrettes

Ile aux Aigrettes retains the only remaining part of the "Coastal Forest of Mauritius" - a once abundant vegetation. It thus shelters a large number of species of plants and animals extremely rare or threatened. For many hundreds of years, indigenous fauna and flora have been devastated by logging and invasive species. In this sense, the island shared the same fate as the rest of Mauritius. The dodo and native giant tortoise species died out; Like many species of plants.

     4. Casela World Of Adventures 

Excited by the safaris? Discover the wildlife safari organized in Cascavelle, which is a must to many places to visit in Mauritius, especially for adventurers. Yes, open jeep rides and elephant rides here are not for the shy. Be ready for a face to face with tigers and leopards wandering freely in the safari trails.

     5. Tamarind Waterfalls

Tamarind Falls or Tamarin Falls are a picturesque attraction of southwestern Mauritius. It is a series of seven cataracts located on the Tamarin River, two kilometers northwest of the Grand Lac Mare aux Vacoas.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Norway Tours.

Norway is a Scandinavian country that encompasses mountains, glaciers and deep coastal fjords. Oslo, the capital, is a city of green spaces and museums. In the Museum of the Vikings in Oslo, Viking ships are preserved from the 9th century. Bergen, with colorful wooden houses, is the starting point for cruises to the spectacular Sognefjord. Norway is also known for fishing, hiking and skiing, especially at Lillehammer's Olympic Resort.

Norway Capital: Oslo

Currency: Norwegian krone

Population: 5,271,958

     1. Tromso

The largest city in northern Norway, Tromso is famous for both its large number of 18th century wooden houses and the beauty of its natural surroundings. Most of the city is situated on the island of Tromsoya where visitors can explore several fine museums and stroll through amazing forests of the birch tree. Travel to Storsteinen Mountain on the cable car Fjellheisen offer visitors breathtaking views of the fjords and surrounding mountains. The Arctic Aquarium Polaria and the Polar Museum are popular attractions in this city located 350 km north of the Arctic Circle. Tromso is one of the best places in the world to see the aurora borealis.

     2. Jotunheimen National Park

Jotunheimen, or the home of the Giants, is Norway's first national park. Located in the nation's south-central region, the park encompasses several mountain ranges, including Norway's 29 highest peaks. The park is also home to Vettisfossen, which at 275 meters (900 feet) is the highest waterfall in Norway. Well-marked mountain lodges and trails in the area offer visitors easy access to glacier walks, summit tours, rock climbing and skiing. Tour companies and hiking associations offer outdoor adventures for visitors of all ages and skill level.

     3. Svalbard

Svalbard is a group of islands located between the Arctic Ocean, the Barents Sea, the Greenland Sea and the Norwegian Sea. The islands have been under Norwegian rule since 1920. Their settlements are the most northerly inhabited places on the planet, much further north than any part of Alaska and all but a few of the Arctic islands of Canada. The combined permanent population is less than 3,000, almost all of which are concentrated in the main settlements of Longyearbyen and Barentsburg in Spitsbergen. Visitors to Svalbard come primarily to experience Arctic nature in their rawest and more powerful. The islands feature virgin glaciers and rugged mountains, but also amazing wildlife such as polar bears, caribou, reindeer, polar foxes, whales, seals and walruses.

     4. Lofoten Islands

One of the most popular places to visit in Norway, Lofoten is a group of islands in the northern part of the country. With its postcard looking at small fishing villages nestled in fjords, dotting a very rugged coastline with steep peaks rising directly from the ocean, the archipelago is often described as one of the most picturesque parts of Norway. Although the archipelago is situated well above the Arctic Circle, at about the same latitude as Greenland, it enjoys a relatively mild climate due to the circulation of the Gulf Stream. Temperatures up to 23 ° C in the summer are not uncommon although it remains a subarctic destination and the climate changes rapidly.

     5. Western Fjords

Norway's famous fjords are found all over the country and are not limited to a particular region or location. However, the most dramatic and famous fjords lie largely in western Norway, approximately from Stavanger to Molde. Although the western fjords vary slightly in appearance they are generally relatively narrow, surrounded by steep rock faces, high mountains and extremely deep. The most famous fjords include Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord.


Monday 9 January 2017

Tours To Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean Sea and unincorporated territory of the United States on a landscape of mountains, waterfalls and rainforest of El Yunque. In San Juan, the capital and largest city, the area is known for its Isla Verde strip hotel, beach bars and a casino. His Old San Juan neighborhood features colorful Spanish colonial buildings and El Morro and La Fortaleza, massive, centuries-old fortress.

    CapitalSan Juan

CurrencyUnited States Dollar

Official languagesSpanish, English

     1. Culebra Island

Horseshoe Playa Flamenco is the most popular beach on the island and as close to the ideal as possible. The water is clear, with no surf, making it a good place for swimming and diving, and the dazzling white sand lined with palm. Isla de Culebra National Reserve is a well-preserved piece of nature, which includes the entire coast of Culebra and more than 20 offshore shoals. More than a third of Culebra Culebra is designated as a national nature reserve, which includes the Cayo Luis Peña, a small island west of Culebra. Here, bays and rugged terrain make for some interesting but challenging hiking opportunities.

     2. Surfing and Whale Watching at Rincon

Often called the "Pueblo del Surf" (Surf City) and "Little Malibu" Rincon Puerto Ricans known as "Gringo Paradise". The dominant language in the region is English, with many foreign surfers and other expats make the city their home. He became the mecca of surfing after surfing the World Cup in 1968, when the images of the Rincon and frequent wave height of 15 feet were transmitted around the world. Although the waves do get quite big here, there are beautiful beaches, which are suitable for swimming, mainly to the south of the city.

     3. Arecibo Radio Telescope

Arecibo radio telescope has a 20-acre dish set in a sinkhole. Here, astronomers have shown "music star" (pulsars and quasars), and explored the moon, the Earth's ionosphere and other planets. There is a constant search for extraterrestrial intelligence software (SETI) for on-site as well. Scenes from the movie Contact, Jodie Foster and others, were taken at the observatory. Setting is amazing and the complexity of the Observatorio de Arecibo is so impressive, that is good to drive on a winding road to visit.

     4. Rio Camuy Caves

Rio Camuy Cave Park is a huge cave system, covering 268 acres and is considered the third-largest cave system in the world. Trolley bus transports visitors to the 200-foot-deep cave or sinkhole, which is now preserved area known as Cueva Clara Empalme. Caves have different numbers, in some cases, with very high ceilings, stalagmites and stalactites, and the river rushing along the bottom. The tour leads visitors through the Cueva Clara Empalme. In addition to the natural wonders of the cave system is, it is also interesting to note that the caves were used for a long time the native population.

     5. Ponce's Historic

While Ponce big city and, as a rule, not on the typical tourist route through Puerto Rico, its historic city center is a delight, with the architecture of the 17th century and open spaces. Plaza Las Delicias is a good starting point for visitors to the café and park benches for easy observation of people. Buildings of particular note here are the red and white striped old fire station Ponce, City Hall, and more recently built Cathedral (the Cathedral of Nuestra Señora de la Guadalupe). Ponce also has a large number of quality museums, especially Ponce Museum of Art.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Meilleures destinations vacances en France.

La France, en Europe occidentale, englobe les villes médiévales, les villages alpins et les plages méditerranéennes. Paris, sa capitale, est célèbre pour ses maisons de mode, ses musées d'art classique, dont le Louvre et ses monuments comme la Tour Eiffel. Le pays est également réputé pour ses vins et sa cuisine raffinée. Les anciens dessins rupestres de Lascaux, le théâtre romain de Lyon et le vaste palais de Versailles témoignent de sa riche histoire.


L'une des attractions touristiques les plus connues en France, peu de lieux de mieux mettre en valeur l'opulence et la grandeur de la monarchie française mieux que le Palais de Versailles. Il ya une énorme quantité à voir ici, de l'architecture éblouissante à fabuleux meubles, art et antiquités et bien sûr les magnifiques jardins. Les casques audio sont disponibles comme les visites guidées - probablement une bonne idée compte tenu de l'échelle pure de l'endroit.


Si vous êtes à la recherche d'une belle toile de fond, alors c'est difficile à battre. Une ville médiévale perchée au sommet d'un imposant éperon rocheux en Normandie, le Mont Saint-Michel est l'une des principales attractions de la France et contient entre autres une superbe abbaye romane, une église médiévale et des remparts historiques. Soyez averti cependant que la montée abrupte à l'abbaye est assez darn exigeant.


Carcassonne est une ville fortifiée pittoresque de la région Languedoc-Roussillon en France. Elle a une histoire de fée et une histoire remontant à l'époque romaine. Il ya un tas d'attractions à explorer à Carcassonne, dont les moindres sont l'incroyable double fortifié 3 km murs qui possède 52 tours distinctes.


La Tour Eiffel, qui fait partie de la liste des 10 attractions touristiques en France, domine l'horizon parisien et attire chaque jour des milliers de touristes. Ce vaste monument de fer a été achevé en 1889 sur la base des dessins de l'ingénieur Gustave Eiffel, et est l'un des monuments les plus emblématiques du monde. Les vues les plus étendues peuvent être trouvées sur le 3ème niveau de la Tour à 276m, qui a son propre ascenseur séparé du deuxième étage.


La France est à la maison à certains des emplacements préhistoriques les plus fascinants dans le monde et parmi le plus visité de ces attractions sans âge est Grotte de Font de Gaume. Une grotte préhistorique aux Eyzies, la grotte de Font de Gaume contient une série de peintures murales fascinantes de cette période et fait partie du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO de la vallée de la Vézère et de ses nombreuses grottes préhistoriques.

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Thursday 5 January 2017

Địa danh Để Thăm Ở Việt Nam.

Việt Nam là một quốc gia Đông Nam Á trên Biển Nam Trung Quốc được biết đến với những bãi biển, sông, những ngôi chùa Phật giáo và các thành phố nhộn nhịp. Hà Nội, thủ đô, đã trả lại cho nhà lãnh đạo Cộng sản thời mang tính biểu tượng của quốc gia, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, qua một lăng mộ bằng đá cẩm thạch khổng lồ. Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn cũ) có địa danh của Pháp thực dân, cộng với các bảo tàng lịch sử chiến tranh Việt Nam và các đường hầm Củ Chi, được sử dụng bởi những người lính Việt Cộng.

     1. Địa đạo Củ Chi

Địa đạo Củ Chi là một mạng lưới rộng lớn của các kết nối đường hầm dưới lòng đất khoảng 40 km về phía tây bắc của thành phố Hồ Chí Minh (Sài Gòn). Các đường hầm được sử dụng bởi quân du kích Việt Cộng như che giấu những điểm trong cuộc chiến tranh Việt Nam, và là cơ sở hoạt động cho Tết Tấn công vào năm 1968. Các đường hầm đã trở thành một điểm thu hút du lịch nổi tiếng, và du khách được mời để thu thập thông xung quanh trong những bộ phận an toàn hơn hệ thống đường hầm.

     2. ĐBSCL

Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long là vùng ở miền Nam Việt Nam, nơi sông Cửu Long tiếp cận và đổ ra biển. Đây là khu vực rất phong phú và tươi tốt, phủ với những cánh đồng lúa, sản xuất khoảng một nửa tổng sản lượng nông nghiệp của Việt Nam. Sau đó, cuộc sống ở đồng bằng sông Cửu Long xoay quanh nhiều sông, và tất cả các làng thường truy cập bằng sông chứ không phải là bằng đường bộ.

     3. Phú Quốc

Nằm ở phía trước của bờ biển Campuchia, Phú Quốc là hòn đảo lớn nhất Việt Nam. Phú Quốc là gì Phuket sẽ là nếu nó đã không bị tràn ngập bởi sự phát triển. Hòn đảo những khu rừng nhiệt đới hoang sơ, các rạn san hô bị hư hại và những bãi biển tuyệt vời. Một trong những bãi biển của nó, đặt tên là Bãi Dài (Long Beach), đã được lựa chọn bởi ABC News là một trong năm bãi biển đẹp và sạch sẽ. Phú Quốc nổi tiếng với sản xuất nước mắm tốt nhất hoặc lên men nước mắm trên thế giới.

     4. Chùa Thiên Mụ (Huế)

Với bảy tầng, chùa Thiên Mụ ở Huế là ngôi chùa cao nhất ở Việt Nam. Chùa nhìn ra sông Hương và được coi là biểu tượng không chính thức của cố đô. Ngôi đền được xây dựng vào năm 1601 trong thời gian cai trị của các chúa Nguyễn. Ngôi chùa ban đầu đã được rất đơn giản là xây dựng, nhưng theo thời gian nó đã được xây dựng lại và mở rộng với các tính năng phức tạp hơn.

     5. Vịnh Hạ Long

Vịnh Hạ Long nằm ở phía bắc Việt Nam tròn 120 km đường bờ biển dài và được dịch theo nghĩa đen là "vịnh dần Dragons". Các địa điểm du lịch hàng đầu tại Việt Nam, vịnh Hạ Long có hàng ngàn đảo đá, mỗi đứng đầu với thảm thực vật rừng dày, tạo thành một cảnh biển ngoạn mục của các trụ cột đá vôi. Một số các đảo rỗng với các hang động khổng lồ, những người khác hòn đảo bao gồm các hồ và một số hỗ trợ các làng của ngư dân nổi.

Để lại nhận xét của bạn Dưới đây!

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Amsterdam Tourist Places.

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands, known for its artistic heritage, its elaborate canal system and its narrow houses with gabled facades, legacies of the Golden Age of the seventeenth century. Its museum district houses the Van Gogh Museum, works by Rembrandt and Vermeer in the Rijksmuseum, and modern art in the Stedelijk. Cycling is key to the character of the city, and there are numerous routes for bicycles.

     1. De Wallen

De Wallen is Amsterdam's infamous red light district, the designated area of the city for legalized prostitution. The neighborhood covers several canals and side streets south of Central Station. More than a hundred one-bedroom apartments are rented by sex professionals that draw viewers from behind the red-lit windows. A strong police presence keeps the neighborhood safe. Although photographs are not allowed, visitors are welcome. As the oldest section of Amsterdam, the district is also home to several historic buildings, including the oldest church in the city, the Gothic Oude Kerk style.

     2. Bloemenmarkt

Located between Muntplein and Koningsplein on the south bank of the Singel canal, the Bloemenmarkt is the only floating flower market in the world. Seven days a week, flower sellers load shelves and floating barges with all the flowers and bulbs for which the Netherlands are famous. Founded in 1862, the Bloemenmarkt includes more than a dozen different florists and garden shops as well as souvenir stands. Although people shop here as well, the market is designed primarily to cater to tourists. The bulbs offered for sale have been designated as ready for export, so visitors can buy tulip, daffodil, daffodil and other light bulbs as a lasting memento of their trip to Amsterdam.

     3. Rijksmuseum

Occupying the northeastern section of the Museum Square, the Rijksmuseum is arguably the most important museum of art and history in the nation. The total collection contains more than one million artefacts dating from the thirteenth century onwards. For decades, the collection was housed in buildings across the country until 1876, when the architect Pierre Cuypers won a design competition and the construction of the Rijksmuseum began. Inaugurated in 1885, the museum currently has about 8,000 objects on display, the most famous of which are paintings by Rembrandt, Frans Hals and Johannes Vemeer. Rembrandt's masterpiece watch is worth the price of admission alone. 

     4. Oude Kerk

This huge, old Protestant church with small houses clinging to its sides remains a quiet haven in the heart of the Frenish Red Light District. Its buildings, especially the octagonal belfry of gothic-Renaissance style, were used by the sailors to get their orientations. For some adults, an evening stroll in the nightlife area around the church could be interesting.

     5. Anne Frank House

The most visited attraction in Amsterdam, the Anne Frank Huis is located along the Prinsengracht canal. The structure that once concealed Anne Frank, her family and four other Jews from the Nazi authorities during World War II has been seen as a memorial to the Holocaust since 1947, when Anne's father published the diary Anne wrote building. A plan to preserve the building was hatched in 1955 when developers planned to demolish the structure. The building opened as a museum in 1960. Visitors can see the rooms where Anne lived, as well as exhibits that chronicled her life too short.

Saturday 31 December 2016

Bangkok Tour.

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is a large city known for ornate shrines and vibrant street life. The Chao Phraya River, full of boats, feeds its network of canals, flowing through the royal district of Rattanakosin, home to the opulent Grand Palace and its sacred temple of Wat Phra Kaew. Nearby is the Wat Pho Temple with a huge reclining Buddha and, on the opposite bank, the Wat Arun Temple with its steep stairs and a Khmer-style tower.

     1. Dusit Palace

Dusit Palace is the name of the complex of royal residences, built in European style between 1897 and 1901 for King Rama V. The most outstanding building is the Vimanmek mansion, built in golden teak wood. The largest wooden mansion in the world, it contains 31 exhibition halls, as well as the throne room, bathrooms and bedrooms. If you visit the Grand Palace before this one be sure to keep your ticket, as it gives you free entrance to the mansion.

     2. Wat Arun

Located on the Thonburi side of the Chao Phraya River, Wat Arun ("Temple of Dawn") is one of Bangkok's oldest and most famous tourist attractions. The temple is an architectural representation of Mount Meru, the center of the universe in Buddhist cosmology. Despite its name, the best views of Wat Arun are at night with the sun behind.

     3. Grand Palace & Wat Prakeaw

The construction of the Grand Palace began in 1782 when the capital of Siam was moved from Thonburi to Bangkok. The palace served as the residence of the kings of Thailand until the mysterious death of King Ananda Mahidol in 1946. His brother King Bhumibol Adulyadej who succeeded him moved permanently to the Chitralada Palace. Today the palace is a major tourist attraction of Bangkok. Part of the palace complex is dedicated to a royal temple, Wat Phra Kaew, the most sacred temple in Thailand and the home of the famous Emerald Buddha. A jade statue adorned in golden clothes.

     4. Floating Market

Floating market can only be visited if you have additional days in Bangkok. A visit to a floating market will take you half a full day away from your schedule as it is a 1 to 2 hour drive from Bangkok city. While many tourism agencies will recommend you visit the original floating market of Damnoen Saduak, I personally prefer the floating market of Amphawa as it is less touristy.

     5. Koh Lanta Island

Koh Lanta is one of the most pristine islands in Thailand, and a particularly attractive destination for beach lovers. Compared to the crowded beaches and mass tourism of Phuket and Samui, Koh Lanta offers rustic charm and a relaxed atmosphere. The best beaches of Koh Lanta can be found along its western and southern coasts. Bamboo Beach (photo) is particularly serene. Located on the southern tip of Koh Lanta, this 500-meter-long beach is ideal for swimming, snorkeling and lounging. It has crystal clear water and a beautiful background of lush forest. Bamboo Beach has three boutique style resorts, so it is never crowded.